The display with a multifaceted genius is inspired by ULYSSES’ myth, the man who sealed his fate with the ongoing and tireless search for solutions and innovations.
It is he himself who in the preface of the ODYSSEY is called ‘the man of multifaceted genius’, because his adventures take the form of a changing and adapting intelligence.
The shape of ULIXE is simple, light and fluid. It opens with an easy movement, like opening a book, to manage the locking there is a light but strong magnetic seal. The display is patented in all its forms and technical construction details.
Once opened at 180°, it can accommodate any item inside: a bottle of wine, a pair of glasses, an important pen, a ceramic object… anything that comes to mind can fit in it comfortably.

Once closed, the ULIXE display shows the item within a transparent space, which visually offers the sensation of something being suspended in the air, free from gravity.
Transparency generates a visual appeal because it creates a surprise. The soft and enveloping film has a memory effect, so after having hosted an item, it is immediately ready for another: today a bottle of wine, tomorrow a glass and the day after tomorrow a perfume bottle.
ULIXE created thanks to the expertise and study of solutions of the graphic designer Andrea Carlo Cavina, who for over 30 years has been working in the filed of merchandising, packaging and display design and thanks to the collaboration of his daughter Matilde Cavina for the promotion and marketing of ULIXE all over the world.
Many disciplines come together in this project: design, research of materials, construction techniques and production, all the result of continuous updating.
ULIXE gives the item that is placed in its ‘exhibition container’ a strong relevance. It is one of those cases where the design enhances the content creating a natural frame. The field practice experience has led ULIXE to be tested on different exhibition contexts, in the wine and food sector but also in accessories and design areas. ULIXE is actually available in various sizes, can be tailored in finishes and colors, can be customized with the company’s logo or brand according to specific needs.
ULIXE is simple in its design and its mechanics, three steps are enough and that’s it: open, insert the item and close. The film, stretched between the two frames of the structure, is an innovative, elastic and totally transparent material, so as not to obfuscate the chromatisms in any way.
It offers the viewer all the emotion of the item to be displayed. In a compact form or in an extra-large version, the ULIXE display is able to give the amazement of an ever new vision.

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